The project aims to honor and preserve the traditional form of the house in Luanda, by addressing the basic needs of families with serious needs, while fostering the search for the essential.
The formal level was chosen by the metamorphosis of the typical home Angolan creating a module adaptable to different functions and uses, with a planned construction where everything fits.
The project is summarized at the junction of modules, all with the same shape, consisting of four types of panels. Each type of panel is placed according to user preference, making each module a variable part.
The placement of different modules generates separate dwellings, while sharing the same principle, making coherent and diversified the construction of the city, as it evolves.
The proposed press for self-construction, hence the modular form that allows for easy expansion as the growth of the family. It facilitates the entire construction process, has a quick assembly and causes minimal damage to the habitat where it is located.
The spatial organization is divided into zones: the Patio, the dining area and food preparation, living / leisure, sleep (children, parents and grandparents) and storage area.
The most evident is the Patio, both in form and materials were used, but also for its function that we regard as essential to the livelihood of these families. The courtyard is formed by the other modules, a module is insulated with a special character you want to be a meeting place, contact with nature and belongs to an intermediate level between "public / private," between "inside / outside" . It is assumed as an integral and core of the house. It has a "skin" that protects the area from sun exposure, allows a greater enjoyment in shade and privacy. This module can be more or less private as the neighborhood concept adopted, and may be more or less permeable.
We opted for the use of local wood in the structure, however, given that this material, although abundant in Angola, is exported in raw and treated outside the country returning to a much higher price, we opted to use VIROC , that compensates for its long-term resistance and the need for less maintenance.
The project seeks sustainability by adopting more sustainable techniques.
The building is deliberately suspended above the ground so as to give sense of freedom to users, but also to protect the house from rain and flooding while covering the technical areas required.
The strong inclination of coverage derives not only adopted the aesthetic, but also because it has function as a better flow of water.
For natural protection against the wind plant elements were used and permeability in the outer zone.
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projecto concurso